
奖学金留学中国大学不是梦!中国大学奖学金资源多,CCN 学生将会在进入中国大学前取得联盟奖学金有条件通知书,入学资格和奖学金资格皆获得联盟保障。其中,中国机会奖学金 (COS) 供自选科系申请者申请,校企联盟奖学金 (UEA) 供优选科系申请者申请。联盟共有37所大学,不乏985/211/双一流名校,近500个科系选项供选择。统考UEC、STPM、A-Level、SPM证书持有人皆可提出申请,设有18周大学预科班/大学先修班,为来华留学生开通便捷升学管道。立即提出申请!

Frequently Asked Questions

China Campus Network 的中文名称是什么?

China Campus Network 中文全称"留学中国预科教育联盟",常被称为"CCN",是由一批综合实力高和具备国际知名度的28所中国高等学校在2016年2月所创立的大学联盟。


截至2020年,CCN由原先28所大学扩增成为具有37所大学的联盟。其中,有 24 所入选中国国家级教育发展战略"双一流 (世界一流大学、世界一流学科建设大学)"名单之中,它们也名列于"985工程"和"211工程"名单,是中国跨世纪重点建设的高等学府。



我要如何联系上CCN Malaysia负责人?

CCN马来西亚办事处的联系号码为 +6014-2670075,电子邮箱地址为 info@ccneducation.com.my。



  • IFP 国际预科项目:详情
  • UEA 校企合作项目:详情
  • DCP 数字职业人才培训项目:详情




我们联盟所有院校皆受到大马教育部 MQA 承认。根据我国政府与中国签署的相互承认高等教育学历和学位的协定(Framework Agreement to Facilitate Mutual Recognition in Academic Higher Education Qualifications),持有中国承认的学士学位,可以回到我国继续深造就读硕士课程。


CCN 国际预科课程(International Foundation Programme)是在 "统一预科录取、统一培养方案、统一教学实施、统一考试评估、统一大学录取" 五大共识基础上,由 CCN 所有成员大学共同研发的桥梁课程,面向有意到成员大学修读学位的来华留学生开设。CCN 成员大学认可预科的培养标准并根据预科毕业成绩评定学生的录取与奖学金。

What is the CCN International Foundation Programme?
The CCN International Foundation Programme (IFP) is a bridging course jointly developed by all CCN member universities based on the five consensus principles - unified foundation admission, unified teaching standard, unified teaching implementation, unified examination and evaluation, unified university admission
. It is designed for international students who wish to study for a degree at one of the member universities. CCN member universities recognize the training standards of the foundation programme and evaluate students' admission and scholarship based on their foundation graduation results.


● A 路径:为期 10-11 个月(1300 学时,秋季入学);
● B1/B3/B4 路径:为期 4-5 个月(650 学时,春季开学);
● C1/C3/C4 路径:为期 3-4 个月(400 学时,夏季开学)。

How long does the CCN Foundation last?
The CCN Foundation has three study pathways:
● Pathway A: 10-11 months (1300 hours, autumn intake);
● Pathway B1/B3/B4: 4-5 months (650 hours, spring intake);
● Pathway C1/C3/C4: 3-4 months (400 hours, summer intake).


● 工科方向:工学;
● 理科方向:理学;
● 商科方向:经济学、管理学;
● 人文方向:哲学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、艺术学。

What Streams does the CCN Foundation offer?
There are four study streams, each corresponding to different academic fields of degree:
● Engineering stream: Engineering;
● Science stream: Science;
● Business stream: Economics, Management;
● Humanities stream: Philosophy, Law, Education, Literature, History, Art.



What language is used for teaching in the CCN Foundation?
All courses are taught in Chinese.


我们的班级规模很小,每个专业方向至少 12-15 名学生即可单独成班,因此教师可以密切关注到个别学生的学习成效,为每个学生提供尽可能多的个人支持和指导。

What is the class size for the CCN Foundation?
Our class sizes are small, with each stream having at least 12-15 students per class. This allows teachers to closely monitor individual students' learning outcomes and provide as much personal support and guidance as possible.


课程将会在 CCN 国际预科中心进行,这些中心分布于我们在上海、天津、杭州、西安、哈尔滨、镇江的 10 个成员大学校园内。同时,在墨西哥、蒙古、俄罗斯、泰国及乌兹别克斯坦还设有海外预科中心。根据学生的国籍、预科学习路径和学习方向,学生将被安排到指定中心进行课程,你能够在申请前向我们确定上课地点。

Where are the CCN Foundation classes held?
Courses will be conducted at CCN International Foundation Centres, which are located on the campuses of our member universities in Shanghai, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Harbin, and Zhenjiang. Additionally, there are overseas foundation centres in Mexico, Mongolia, Russia, Thailand, and Uzbekistan. Depending on the student's nationality, foundation study pathway, and study stream, students will be assigned to a designated centre for courses. You can confirm the location before applying.


CCN 目前并没有在马来西亚设立海外预科中心,因此没有在马来西亚开班上课,需要到中国进行。

Can I take the CCN Foundation in Malaysia?
Currently, CCN does not have an overseas foundation centre in Malaysia, so classes are not held there. You will need to go to China for the programme.



Does the CCN Foundation offer online courses?
No, courses are conducted in China.


由多所中国顶尖公立大学合作创办:CCN是由 28 所综合实力和国际竞争力极高的知名中国高校在 2016 年 2 月创立,后期成员扩增至 37 所,代表的是中国高等教育的顶尖力量。
统一标准和教学质量保障:CCN预科通过 "统一预科录取、统一培养方案、统一考试评估、统一质量保障、统一大学录取" 的方式,确保了预科教育的一致性和高质量。

How is the CCN Foundation different from other foundation programmes?
The CCN Foundation has several significant differences compared to many traditional foundation programmes:

  • Collaboration among top Chinese public universities: CCN was established in February 2016 by 28 well-known Chinese universities with high comprehensive strength and international competitiveness. The membership has since expanded to 37 universities, representing the pinnacle of Chinese higher education.
  • Unified standards and quality assurance: The CCN Foundation ensures consistency and high quality in foundation education through "unified foundation admission, unified teaching standard, unified teaching implementation, unified examination and evaluation, unified university admission."
  • Not just simple language training: Compared to many traditional foundation programmes, the CCN Foundation emphasises enhancing students' proficiency in subject-specific academic Chinese, enabling them to communicate and conduct research in academic fields, rather than just basic Chinese. At the same time, we place greater emphasis on foundational subjects such as mathematics and physics, making students more competitive.
  • Nationalized and small-class teaching: The CCN Foundation implements nationalized teaching tailored to the characteristics of students from different countries. Small-class teaching allows teachers to better address the learning needs of each student.
  • Focus on cultural adaptation and career competitiveness: The CCN Foundation not only emphasizes the development of academic abilities but also focuses on students' adaptation to new environments and encourages them to choose university majors that align with their career plans, enhancing their core competitiveness.
  • Digital management and support system: Through digitalization, CCN provides comprehensive learning records and support, achieving digital management of the entire foundation teaching, learning, examination, and administration process.
  • Close cooperation with member universities: The CCN Alliance Secretariat works closely with representatives from member universities, regularly organizing academic seminars and optimizing courses and work at each foundation centre to ensure that teaching quality and outcomes meet actual requirements.

In summary, the CCN Foundation has distinct differences from traditional foundation programmes in terms of teaching system, quality assurance, curriculum design, and teaching features. It aims to provide higher quality foundation education for international students, helping them achieve better academic outcomes at Chinese universities.


"本科" 英文是 undergraduate,它比专科高一层次、比研究生低一层次,是高等教育的主干部分。本科教育通常是 4-5 年学制,完成本科课程学习后将能得到学士学位(Bachelor's degree)。本科毕业生可以根据自身意愿进一步攻读硕士研究生课程和博士研究生课程。

What does "本科" mean?
The term "本科" in English is "undergraduate." It is a level higher than a junior college and lower than a postgraduate. It forms the main part of higher education. Undergraduate education usually lasts for 4-5 years, and upon completion, students will receive a bachelor's degree. Undergraduate graduates can further pursue master's and doctoral courses according to their own wishes.



What undergraduate programmes do Chinese universities offer?
Chinese universities divide their departments into 12 disciplinary categories: Philosophy, Economics, Law, Education, Literature, History, Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Management, and Art. Each category is further divided into different fields of study, and under each field, there are various undergraduate majors. According to the latest directory, there are currently 816 majors available.



Are foreign undergraduate students taught in separate classes?
Chinese-taught programmes usually adopt a format where foreign students attend classes together with Chinese students. A very small number of programmes have separate classes for foreign students.



Do Chinese universities offer undergraduate courses taught in English?
Chinese universities generally offer courses primarily taught in Chinese, with only a few universities providing a small number of courses taught in English.


● 医学专业:人民币 20,000 – 42,000 元/每学年;
● 理学、工学、农学专业:人民币 16,600 – 32,000 元/每学年;
● 经济学、管理学、文科:人民币 14,000 – 26,000 元/每学年;
● 艺术学专业:人民币 16,000 – 40,000 元/每学年;

How much is the tuition for undergraduates at Chinese universities?
Tuition fees for foreign students are different from those for local Chinese students, and the standards vary among different universities:
● Medical majors: RMB 20,000 – 42,000 per academic year;
● Science, Engineering, and Agriculture majors: RMB 16,600 – 32,000 per academic year;
● Economics, Management, and Humanities majors: RMB 14,000 – 26,000 per academic year;
● Art majors: RMB 16,000 – 40,000 per academic year.
Universities usually have scholarship programmes that fully or partially fund the costs for studying in China.



Can foreign students study two majors at the same time?
Generally, Chinese universities do not allow foreign students to pursue double degrees. Specific policies are determined by each university.



How many semesters are there in a Chinese undergraduate academic year?
In China, an academic year typically consists of two semesters. The first semester (Autumn) runs from September to January of the following year, and the second semester (Spring) runs from March to June. Each semester is about 17 weeks long, with classes held 5-6 days a week. Besides attending classes, students also need to complete professional practice, social practice, and exams.



How many holidays do Chinese undergraduate students have in a year?
The main holidays are winter and summer vacations. Winter vacation usually lasts from January to February, and summer vacation from July to September. Other short holidays include New Year's Day (January 1), Qingming Festival, International Labour Day (May 1), Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Chinese National Day (October 1-3).


我们采用了特别的招生方式以保障学生本科入学和得到奖学金的几率,学生在报读 CCN 预科时便需要提前选择本科志愿:
● IFP Standard Programme 学生:最迟在预科开学首两周选择2所大学的专业作为本科志愿,中学成绩符合要求可以获得奖学金名额保留资格(保留的奖学金的等级和待遇将写入CCN Offer)。接受预科录取后进行预科学习,在预科学习阶段补充本科申请材料和本科面试环节(若有),预科毕业时符合录取资格者获得其中一所志愿大学本科优先录取,并获得所保证的奖学金。
● UEA Programme 学生:在报读预科的同时挑选1个大学专业做申请,开学前直接获得预科和本科入学录取资格,同时符合奖学金资格者将直接获得奖学金录取(个人预科成绩需要达到指定要求)。

When do CCN Foundation students need to apply for undergraduate programmes?
We have a special admission process to ensure students have a high chance of undergraduate admission and scholarships. Students need to choose their undergraduate preferences in advance when enrolling in the CCN Foundation.

我是SPM / IGCSE学生,我可以报读UEA直接申请本科奖学金吗?


I am an SPM/IGCSE student. Can I apply for the UEA programme to directly apply for undergraduate scholarships?
Yes, as long as you meet our admission requirements.


原则上,本科预科课程入学时应最低满足 17 周岁、最高不超过 24 周岁;硕士研究生预科课程入学时应最低满足 17 周岁、最高不超过 29 周岁。

Is there an age limit for students in the CCN Foundation?
In principle, undergraduate foundation entrants should be at least 17 years old and not older than 24 years old at the time of admission. For the master’s foundation, entrants should be at least 17 years old and not older than 29 years old at the time of admission.


马来西亚中学毕业生或者应届毕业生,皆可报读CCN国际预科课程。欢迎 SPM 学生、IGCSE 学生、GED 学生申请入学,我们亦接受已获得 UEC、STPM、A-level 成绩的学生报读。请确保你在中学阶段有修读以下科目:
● 工科方向:高等数学、物理、化学;
● 商科方向:数学,至少两门商科相关科目如商务学、经济学、会计;
● 人文方向:数学,至少两门文科相关科目如历史、地理。

What academic requirements do students need to meet to enrol in the CCN Foundation?
Malaysian secondary school graduates or current graduates can enrol in the CCN Foundation programme. SPM students, IGCSE students, and GED students are welcome to apply. We also accept students who have obtained UEC, STPM, and A-level results. Please ensure that you have studied the following subjects during secondary school:
● Engineering Stream: Advanced Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry;
● Business Stream: Mathematics, at least two business-related subjects such as Business Studies, Economics, Accounting;
● Humanities Stream: Mathematics, at least two humanities-related subjects such as History, Geography.



I studied science stream in high school; can I apply for the Business or Humanities Stream CCN Foundation?
Yes, students who studied science stream in high school can apply for the Business or Humanities CCN foundation.



I studied arts or business stream in high school; can I apply for the Engineering Stream CCN foundation?
No, graduates from Arts and Commerce classes cannot apply for the Engineering foundation programme.


● 高中在校成绩平均分:60% 及以上;
● GED 成绩各科成绩: 150% 及以上;
● SPM/IGCSE 成绩:5C 及以上;
● UEC 成绩:40 点以内。

What are the grade requirements for admission to the CCN Foundation?
Students who meet the following criteria will be admitted. If you do not meet the requirements, you can contact our office for individual discussion and may be granted special admission upon review.
● Average high school grades: 60% and above;
● GED scores in each subject: 150 and above;
● SPM/IGCSE grades: 5C and above;
● UEC scores: within 40 points.


● 理工方向:中文、英文、高等数学、物理、化学;
● 商科方向:中文、英文、数学,至少两门商科相关科目如商务学、经济学、会计;
● 人文方向:中文、英文、数学,至少两门文科相关科目如历史、地理。

How are points calculated for the UEC result?
An A1 grade is 1 point, A2 is 2 points, ... C8 is 8 points, and so on. Different study directions have different subject combinations:
● Engineering: Chinese, English, Advanced Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry;
● Business: Chinese, English, Mathematics, at least two business-related subjects such as Business Studies, Economics, Accounting;
● Humanities: Chinese, English, Mathematics, at least two humanities-related subjects such as History, Geography.


无汉语基础的学生可以报读 A 路径预科班,若报读其它路径预科,则规定须掌握一定程度的汉语能力。
● B1 路径:至少 HSK 3 级
● C1 路径:至少 HSK 4 级
● B3/B4/C3/C4 路径:至少 HSK 6 级

Do I need to know Chinese to enrol in the CCN Foundation?
Students with no Chinese foundation can enrol in Pathway A foundation class. If enrolling in other pathways, a certain level of Chinese proficiency is required.
● Pathway B1: at least HSK 3 level;
● Pathway C1: at least HSK 4 level;
● Pathways B3/B4/C3/C4: at least HSK 6 level.



Do I need to provide HSK when applying for the CCN Foundation?
Graduates from Chinese independent high schools who have passed their Chinese courses do not need to provide HSK. For non-independent high school graduates applying through the CCN channel, those who have passed Chinese courses in high school and academic diploma exams can also be exempted from submitting HSK.


我们将会额外安排CCN学术汉语考试/汉语口语面试来测试你的中文水平,达到要求可免交 HSK 和入学。但如果我们有理由质疑你的汉语技能,可能会要求你提供两年内通过的 HSK 成绩单,以证明你有能力用汉语进行学习。

My mother tongue is Chinese, but I didn't take Chinese in secondary school or diploma exams. Do I need to provide HSK to enrol in the CCN Foundation?
We will arrange an additional CCN academic Chinese test/Chinese oral interview to assess your Chinese proficiency. If you meet the requirements, you can be exempted from HSK and be admitted. However, if we have reasons to doubt your Chinese skills, you may be required to provide an HSK certificate obtained within the past two years to prove your ability to study in Chinese.



I am not Malaysian; can I submit an application to the CCN Malaysia?
Anyone who meets the CCN admission requirements can apply through CCN Malaysia.



I am a Chinese nationality student attending high school in Malaysia. Can I apply to Chinese universities through CCN?
Chinese citizens (including residents of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) cannot apply to Chinese universities through CCN.


满足入学报名资格之外,你还应持有 4 年或以上有效的外国国籍,且最近 4 年之内有在外国实际居住 2 年以上的记录(一年中实际在外国居住满 9 个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准)。大学可在上述基础上制定更严格的要求,因此须按相关大学的规定为准。

One of my parents is Chinese nationality, but I obtained foreign nationality at birth. Can I apply to Chinese universities through CCN?
In addition to meeting the admission qualifications, you must hold a valid foreign nationality for at least 4 years and have resided abroad for at least 2 years in the last 4 years. A stay of 9 months in a year can be counted as one year. Universities may set stricter requirements based on these conditions, so you must follow the relevant university's regulations.


中国大学的申请材料一般包括:① 奖学金申请表;② 白底个人照;③ 护照信息页;④ 高中毕业证书;⑤ 高中在校成绩单;⑥ 学术文凭 / 证书。根据所报名的项目种类,可能还会涉及其它材料,例如:① 个人陈述;② 教师推荐信;③ 《外国人体格检查表》与体检报告;④ 无犯罪记录证明;⑤ 在华监护人证明;⑥ 经济能力证明;⑦ 面试视频;⑧ 作品集(艺术类)。

What documents do I need to provide to apply to a Chinese university?
The application materials for Chinese universities generally include: (1) CCN Application Form; (2) Passport photo; (3) Valid Passport; (4) High school graduation certificate; (5) High school academic transcripts; (6) Academic diplomas/certificates. Depending on the type of programme you are applying for, additional materials may be required, such as: (1) Personal statement; (2) Recommendation letter; (3) "Foreigner Physical Examination Form" and medical report; (4) Certificate of No Criminal Record; (5) Proof of guardian in China; (6) Proof of financial capability; (7) Interview video; (8) Portfolio (for art-related programmes).



I haven’t received my high school graduation certificate yet, can I still apply?
Yes, you can. You can request a "Pre-graduation Certificate" from your school, but you must ensure that you can submit the official high school graduation certificate before the start of the programme.


可以,我们将以你提交的 Form 4 - 5 成绩进行评估。正式成绩出炉后请补交成绩单。

I am waiting for my SPM results, can I apply with my trial results?
Yes, we will evaluate your application based on your Form 4-5 results. Please submit your official results once they are released.



I am waiting for my UEC results, can I submit my three-year high school transcripts to apply?
Yes, we will evaluate your application based on your three-year high school grades.


个人陈述(Personal statement)主要解释你为什么选择我们成员大学某个特定的专业课程以及你对该课程的哪些方面最感兴趣。我们也很有兴趣从中更多地了解你的教育背景、学习能力、学习动机以及你未来的职业规划。因此,你应该要证明为什么你是该专业的合适候选人,以及说明报读该专业对于你的学习和职业道路来说是正确选择的原因。

What is a personal statement?
A personal statement mainly explains why you chose a particular programme at one of our member universities and which aspects of the course interest you the most. We are also interested in learning more about your educational background, learning ability, motivation for studying, and future career plans. Therefore, you should demonstrate why you are a suitable candidate for the programme and explain why enrolling in this programme is the right choice for your educational and career path.


推荐信(Recommendation Letter)是申请材料中非常重要的一个部分,推荐信的作用是从第三方的视角向招生官表述申请者的能力。因此,推荐人应当对你的在校情况、职业目标及潜力有一定程度了解,通常是你毕业学校的校长、升学辅导老师、科代表或科任老师。

What is a recommendation letter?
A recommendation letter is an important part of the application materials. It serves to describe the applicant's abilities from a third-party perspective to the admissions officer. Therefore, the recommender should have a good understanding of your school performance, career goals, and potential. Usually, the recommender is the principal, guidance counsellor, subject representative, or subject teacher from your graduating school.


推荐信的内容长度在半页到整页 A4 之间。内容太短的话可能没办法反映申请人的学术和个人优势。按照规定,本科申请者只需提交一封推荐信。但是,我们也欢迎你提交更多推荐信来支持你的申请。

How long content should my recommendation letter be? How many recommendation letters can I submit?
The length of the recommendation letter should be between half a page and a full A4 page. If the content is too short, it may not adequately reflect the applicant's academic and personal strengths. According to regulations, undergraduate applicants only need to submit one recommendation letter. However, we welcome you to submit additional recommendation letters to support your application.



Is there anything to pay attention to in the recommendation letter?
It is recommended that the recommender prints the content on school letterhead. The bottom of the recommendation letter must include the recommender's handwritten signature, full name, affiliation, position, contact phone number, and email address.


《外国人体格检查表》是 X1 签证学生办理居留许可的重要材料之一。凡在华学习期限在 6 个月以上的学生,必须完成列在检查表上的所有体检项目,以证明个人健康情况。对于 X2 签证学生因无须将签证转换成居留许可,因此可免交此材料,除非大学额外有要求。

What is the "Foreigner Physical Examination Form"?
The "Foreigner Physical Examination Form" is an important document for X1 visa students to apply for a residence permit. Students studying in China for more than 6 months must complete all the medical examination items listed on the form to prove their health status. X2 visa students, who do not need to convert their visa into a residence permit, can be exempt from this material unless the university has additional requirements.



Should I complete the medical examination in Malaysia or in China?
It depends on the university's requirements. It is recommended that students complete the medical examination in Malaysia and then bring the original "Foreigner Physical Examination Form" filled out by the doctor, chest X-ray, ECG, and other laboratory reports to China. Note that the examination results are valid for 6 months. Examination forms that are incomplete, without the applicant's photo, or with photos not stamped with a seal, and without the physician's and hospital's signature and stamp, will be considered invalid.


需要《无犯罪记录证明》(Certificate of Good Conduct) 的学生可以向马来西亚外交部网站上在线提交申请,申请通过后可选择前往外交部领取文件,或者请求外交部将文件邮寄到家。

My university requires a Certificate of No Criminal Record, where do I apply for it?
Students who need a Certificate of No Criminal Record (Certificate of Good Conduct) can apply online through the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. After approval, you can choose to collect the document at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or request it to be mailed to your home.



What are the conditions for a guardian in China?
For applicants under 18 years old, the parents must formally appoint an adult foreigner or Chinese citizen who is a permanent resident in China and has a source of income as the student's guardian. Generally, it is necessary to submit the student's birth certificate, a notarized guardianship authorization, and scanned copies of the identity documents of the appointer and the guardian.



How do I provide proof of financial capability?
Not all Chinese universities require international students to submit proof of financial guarantee. If required, it usually involves filling out a guarantee letter and providing proof of family income, bank statements, or other financial capability proofs.


通常,申请艺术学设计学类与美术学类或建筑类专业的申请人需要提供个人原创的作品集。每份作品都是作者为自己代言 —— 申请者籍此展现自己设计理念和专业能力,让学校考量申请者的水平。

Who needs to submit a portfolio to Chinese universities?
Applicants for art, design, fine arts, or architecture programmes generally need to provide a portfolio of personal original works. Each work represents the author, showcasing their design concepts and professional abilities for the university to consider the applicant's level.



Do application documents need to be in Chinese or English?
We only accept application documents in Chinese or English. If the documents are in other languages, they need to be translated. The translated documents should be stamped by the graduating school, indicating that the translation is a true copy of the original. 


因学校盖章的翻译件并无公证效力,若学校要求文件须得到公证,则需要向请专业人士如法庭翻译员做好翻译件后,通过公证人(Notary Public)或宣誓官(Commissioner for Oaths)进行公证程序。

My university requires the translated documents to be notarized, how do I handle this?
Since translations stamped by the school do not have notarization validity, if the university requires the documents to be notarized, you need to have the translations done by professionals such as court translators and then go through notarization procedures by a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths.


可以,你能提供可以展示自己个人特质、品德表现、学习能力、兴趣的附加材料。比如:模范生奖状、活动 / 赛事的参与证书或奖状、发表过的论文。

Can I submit additional documents to Chinese universities?
Yes, you can provide additional materials that showcase your personal qualities, moral conduct, learning abilities, and interests. For example: merit student certificates, participation certificates or awards for activities/competitions, published papers.



How do I submit an application for CCN Foundation or admission to a Chinese university?
As a student, you can directly contact the CCN Overseas Office to submit your application. Our application process is primarily conducted online and paperless. Before you begin your application, please take some time to read our application process introduction page.

CCN Malaysia 有收取费用吗?

有,CCN 马来西亚针对每位申请者将征收马来西亚币 400 令吉。

Does CCN Malaysia charge any fee?
Yes, CCN Malaysia charges an fee of MYR 400 per applicant to cover administrative costs.

CCN 每年什么时候截止留学中国申请?

CCN 会在预科开学前一个月左右关闭申请通道,建议符合申请资格者早日提交申请。

When is the annual application deadline for studying in China through CCN?
CCN will close the application portal approximately one month before the start of the foundation programme. It is advisable for eligible applicants to submit their applications as early as possible.


请允许 CCN 在 2-4 周内审核你的申请。经由 CCN 马来西亚办事处提交申请的学生,其审核结果将由本办事处以电子邮件(apply@ccneducation.com.my)方式通知申请人,包括是否被录取、有无获得本科奖学金名额保留资格。你越早申请,将可以更早取得结果,并且有更充足时间为开学做准备。

When will I receive the result of my application to study in China?
Please allow CCN 2-4 weeks to review your application. Students who submit their applications through the CCN Malaysia will be notified of their results via email (apply@ccneducation.com.my), including information on whether they have been accepted and if they qualify for undergraduate scholarship reservation. The earlier you apply, the sooner you will receive your results, giving you more time to prepare for the start of the programme.


没有,学生无法通过中介递交申请!如有问题,你可以通过电子邮件 info@ccneducation.com.my 或者以 WhatsApp +6014-2670075 联系我们。如果有其他机构冒充CCN,请向我们举报。

Apart from submitting applications to the CCN Malaysia, can I apply for the CCN study in China programme through authorized local agents?
No, students cannot submit applications through agents! If you have any questions, you can contact us via email at info@ccneducation.com.my or WhatsApp at +6014-2670075. If other organizations are posing as CCN, please report them to us.







CCN 联盟采用什么方式评估奖学金申请?

根据学生提供的申请材料,包括考试成绩、个人陈述 (自述)、推荐人对申请人的评价、面试表现等因素进行审核,择优录取。






不是,不管是 SPM 学历或 UEC 学历,申请通过后在上 CCN 预科前会获得《本科奖学金条件通知书》,通知书上会罗列出学生在预科阶段必须完成的条件,保证学生达到条件时在本科阶段得到相应等级的奖学金。






若我被 CCN 奖学金录取了,选择放弃会有罚款吗?



若我接受 CCN 奖学金,毕业后需要偿还或者有捆绑工作服务的限制吗?



我拿到 CCN 奖学金结果了,如果我只获得学费半免奖学金,在完成预科且成绩优秀的话,是否有机会拿到更高等级奖学金?



我已经通过中国大学自主招生通道/其它中介获得录取,是否可以单独申请 CCN 奖学金?






以来华留学生身份到中国念书,去中国之前必须办理学习类的中国签证(Visa),有 X1 签证及 X2 签证之分。办理流程与要求按中国驻马使领馆公布的为准。

Do Malaysian citizens need to apply for a visa to go to China?
If you are going to China as an international student, you must obtain a study visa (Visa) before going to China. There are two types of study visas: X1 visa and X2 visa. The application process and requirements are according to the announcements by the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in Malaysia.


在华学习期限(以录取通知书上的时间为准)超过 180 天的学生,一般会获发有效期为 30 天 X1 签证,入境后学生需在 30 天内通过学校协助申请学习类居留许可;在华学习期限少过 180 天的学生,一般会获发 X2 签证,其有效期为 30-180 天,通常是单次入境,即入境后一旦出境就无法再次以同一张签证进入中国,需要重新办理签证入境。

What is the difference between the X1 visa and the X2 visa?
Students whose study period in China (as specified in the admission notice) exceeds 180 days will generally be issued an X1 visa valid for 30 days. Upon entry, students must apply for a residence permit for study within 30 days with the assistance of their school. Students whose study period in China is less than 180 days will generally be issued an X2 visa, valid for 30-180 days, usually for a single entry. Once they leave China, they cannot re-enter with the same visa and need to apply for a new visa to re-enter.


居留许可(Residence Permit)是外国人持签证(Visa)入境中国后,向中国出入境管理部门申办的居留证件,可理解为外国人在中国的身份证。在居留证件有效期内,可在华居留并多次出入境,无需另行办理签证。

What is a residence permit?
The residence permit is a document that foreigners apply for from the Chinese immigration authorities after entering China with a visa (Visa). It can be understood as an ID card for foreigners in China. With a valid residence permit, you can reside in China and exit and enter multiple times without needing to apply for a visa each time.


不可以,X2 签证不能转换成居留许可。

Can the X2 visa be converted to a study residence permit like the X1 visa?
No, the X2 visa cannot be converted to a residence permit.


X1 签证有效期只有 30 天,自入境当天就开始计算了。学生到大学报到后需要配合学校提供相关文件才能办理居留许可,首次办理要花较长的时间,因此不建议太早入境和进行与学习无关的事情,避免无法在有效期内转换成居留许可,导致不必要的麻烦和财产损失。

Can I arrive in China a few days earlier for tourism before register to my school with an X1 visa?
The X1 visa is only valid for 30 days, starting from the day of entry. After arriving at the university, students need to apply for a residence permit  with relevant documents prepared by the university. The initial application process can take a considerable amount of time, so it is not recommended to enter too early and engage in activities unrelated to study to avoid failing to convert the visa into a residence permit within the validity period, which could cause unnecessary trouble and financial loss.


不可以。学生必须先出境,办理学习类签证,再入境中国并于规定时间内办理学习类居留许可(适用于 X1 签证入境者)。

Can I registert to my university with a tourist visa and then change it to a residence permit?
No, you cannot. Students must first leave the country, apply for a study visa, then re-enter China and apply for a study residence permit within the stipulated time (applicable for X1 visa holders).


不行,《高等学校接受外国留学生管理规定》第三十六条明确规定 "外国留学生在校学习期间不得就业、经商,或从事其他经营性活动,但可以按学校规定参加勤工助学活动"。因此,无论是全职或兼职,都是不允许的。一般上,校内勤工助学主要会开放给家庭经济困难中国学生,留学生一般较难获得机会。建议到中国留学前,准备足够的留学费用,或尽可能以优秀成绩争取到CCN奖学金。

Can international students work in China?
No, according to the "Rules on Foreign students' Enrollment in China's Colleges & Universities", Article 36 clearly states that "Foreign students are not allowed to take up jobs, operate business, or engage in other business-related activities during their study in China. However, work-study activities in accordance with college rules are permitted." Therefore, both full-time and part-time employment are not allowed. Generally, work-study activities opportunities are mainly open to economically disadvantaged Chinese students, and it is relatively difficult for international students to obtain such opportunities. It is recommended to prepare sufficient study funds before going to China or strive to achieve excellent academic performance to obtain scholarships like the CCN Scholarship.



Can international students participate in work-study activities?
Yes, they can. According to the "Measures for the Management of International Students Work-study in Institutions of Higher Education" Article 3, the term “work-study” as mentioned in the Measures refers to the practical activities that international students, under the organization and management of the college, obtain legal remuneration through labor work in spare time to improve study and living conditions.


《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》第二十二条明确规定 "持学习类居留证件的外国人需要在校外勤工助学或者实习的,应当经所在学校同意后,向公安机关出入境管理机构申请居留证件加注勤工助学或者实习地点、期限等信息。持学习类居留证件的外国人所持居留证件未加注前款规定信息的,不得校外勤工助学或者实习"。因此,学生需要获得大学出具在读及同意学生参与校外实习证明,以及实习单位出具接收实习证明等相关材料,向当地有关部门申请在学习类居留许可上加注 "实习" 后,才能合法进行校外实习。

How can I apply for an off-campus internship during my studies in China?
According to the "Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners," Article 22, "Where a foreigner holding a residence permit for study intends to engage in off-campus work-study or internship, he or she shall, upon the approval of the school, apply to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ to have such information as the location and duration of the work-study program or internship placement specified in his or her residence permit." Therefore, students need to obtain a certificate of study and consent from the university to participate in off-campus work-study or internship, as well as a certificate of acceptance from the internship unit and other related materials. They should then apply to the local authorities to add an "internship" annotation on their study residence permit to legally engage in off-campus work-study or internship.



Do Chinese universities provide dormitories?
Chinese universities provide dormitories for international students on campus. The cost varies depending on the university, type of room, and facilities. Students generally need to apply for accommodation in advance.



Can I live off-campus during my study in China?
This depends on the university's regulations. Some universities may require freshmen to stay in designated on-campus accommodations or approved off-campus apartments during their first year. If living off-campus, students must register with the local public security bureau according to regulations.



What are the facilities like at Chinese universities?
Chinese university campuses typically have facilities such as sports arenas, gyms, supermarkets, convenience stores, cafeterias, banks, and telecom service centers, which meet students' daily needs.


改革开放 40 年来,中国不仅实现了经济持续健康发展,而且在保障社会和谐稳定、人民安居乐业方面取得了巨大成就。中国许多公共场所、学校都有高科技监控设备,可以进行图片采集、人脸识别、身份识别,在突发状况时及时联动报警、定位监控,帮助有关当局迅速为民众化解危机,打造更安全的现代化智能城市。在华留学生普遍认同,中国人大都比较谦和,遵纪守法意识很强。中国已被公认为全世界最安全的国家之一。

Is studying abroad in China safe?
Over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, China has not only achieved sustained economic development but also made significant achievements in ensuring social harmony, stability, and public safety. Many public places and schools in China are equipped with advanced surveillance technology for monitoring and crisis response, contributing to safer urban environments. Most international students in China find that Chinese people are generally polite and law-abiding, enhancing overall safety.



Do international students in China have to undergo military training? International students studying in China are not required to participate in military training.



Can international students work in China after graduation?
With China's strong economic performance globally, more international students are opting to stay and work in China after graduation. The Chinese Ministry of Education hosts annual job fairs for international students seeking employment opportunities in China. While opportunities are greater for graduates with master's degrees, undergraduate students also find employment in China each year. Students are encouraged to apply for jobs before graduation to secure interviews and employment offers.


可以,必须留意中国《携带外币现钞出入境管理暂行办法》第三条规定“入境人员携带外币现钞入境,超过等值 5000 美元的应当向海关书面申报,当天多次往返及短期内多次往返者除外”。因此,如果你携带超过等同 5000 美元的人民币现钞入境中国,必须进行申报。

Can I exchange Malaysian Ringgit for Chinese Yuan and bring it to China?
Yes, you can. However, according to China's regulations on the entry and exit of foreign currencies, if you carry cash equivalent to more than $5000 USD in Chinese Yuan when entering China, you must declare it to customs. This requirement excludes same-day multiple trips and short-term multiple trips.


来华留学生入学标准中,以中文为专业教学语言的学科、专业的中文能力要求应当至少达到 HSK 四级水平。

What are the HSK requirements for international students entering degree programs in Chinese universities?
For subjects and majors taught in Chinese, international students are generally required to have at least HSK Level 4 proficiency as part of the admission criteria.


根据中国教育部《来华留学生高等教育质量规范(试行)》的通知,中文授课专业毕业生应当具备 HSK 五级水平;非中文授课本科专业毕业生应当具备 HSK 四级水平;非中文授课专业硕士、博士毕业生应当具备 HSK 三级水平。具体按照各校规定为准。

What are the HSK requirements for international students graduating from Chinese universities?
According to the Chinese Ministry of Education's guidelines, graduates in Chinese-taught majors should have HSK Level 5 proficiency; undergraduates in non-Chinese-taught majors should have HSK Level 4 proficiency; and master's or doctoral graduates in non-Chinese-taught majors should have HSK Level 3 proficiency. Specific requirements may vary by university.



奖学金留学中国大学不是梦!中国大学奖学金资源多,CCN 学生将会在进入中国大学前取得联盟奖学金有条件通知书,入学资格和奖学金资格皆获得联盟保障。其中,中国机会奖学金 (COS) 供自选科系申请者申请,校企联盟奖学金 (UEA) 供优选科系申请者申请。联盟共有37所大学,不乏985/211/双一流名校,近500个科系选项供选择。统考UEC、STPM、A-Level、SPM证书持有人皆可提出申请,设有18周大学预科班/大学先修班,为来华留学生开通便捷升学管道。立即提出申请!